Joy Colino

Joy is the brains behind Nannies Plus, a Bay Area nanny agency, and is a connector and uplifter of people. She was the 2022 APNA Rising Star award winner, as well as the very first recipient for the Judith Langer Merlin Scholarship for APNA Education. Joy runs a weekly nanny agency owners' accountability group, a quarterly nanny agency owners’ lunch for Bay Area owners, and served on the Mt. Diablo Business Women's Board as their director of programs for two years.

Joy describes her consulting style as empathetic without being an enabler. She has a sweet spot for folks who are earlier on in their businesses, and folks who are feeling stuck without knowing what to do next - she believes that many problems can be solved in collaborative conversation. She’s an active listener and a brilliant brainstormer.

Joy is currently enjoying Profit First and hanging out with her asshole cat Tino, going to wine tastings, meeting other business owners in her community,